Breast Cancer Diagnosis System


Just as a digital camera captures the sense of sight, this tactile sensing technology captures the sense of touch and displays it as a three-dimensional image.

STouch is a small, hand-held device that glides smoothly across an uncompressed breast. Its highly sensitive internal receptor, which is up to four times as sensitive as human palpation, generates a 3-dimensional visual map of lesions within the breast, which are then displayed and stored on a small laptop computer. If a mass is detected, SureTouch will show its estimated size, shape, hardness and location.

STouch creates a digital, permanent and reproducible image of the findings. Patients can see these images during and after the exam, and any concerns can be discussed with the physician immediately. 
A sterile, disposable sheath covers the probe and a non-toxic, non-irritating lubricant keeps patients comfortable while the SureTouch™ passes over target areas. There are no harmful x-rays, no vises that flatten the breasts and no uncomfortable physical contact.

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Breast cancer screening is a necessity for women of all ages. And more importantly, early detection of breast cancer can improve outcomes. Methods like self-breast examination, or physician's examinations, while important, are often performed incorrectly or inconsistently. 

STouch is a painless way to enhance routine clinical breast exam (CBE) that can be performed by your primary care physician.
Used as part of a CBE, SureTouch plays a role in the early detection of breast cancer that is:
• Comfortable: no uncomfortable compression required
• Convenient: it can be performed by your primary care clinician
• Instant: no waiting on lab results. You will see your images immediately
• Radiation-free and ultrasound-free: A highly sensitive tactile device identifies, assesses and documents masses in the breast.

STouch examinations can overcome certain challenges with existing screening methods and is:
• Effective for women under the age of 40 and those with denser breast tissue
• Effective in upper outer region of the breast where most of cancers occur

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